Friday, January 2, 2009

A Hopeful Monster?

I once heard Glenn Kaiser, the lead of the now defunct Resurrection Band but the more recently formed Glenn Kaiser Band, say:
People don't reject the Bible because it contradicts itself, but because it contradicts them.
The flip side of this coin is that one of the reasons Christians believe is because the Bible contradicts them. G. K. Chesterton said we don't want a religion that's right when were right, but one that's right when were wrong. Pascal put it a little more existentially:
If he exalts himself, I will humble him.
If he humbles himself, I exalt him.
And I go on contradicting him
Until he understands
That he is is a monster that passes all understanding.
The Lord has continually knocked me down and made me look like a fool until, I hope, I have finally accepted the fact that I am one. So I guess I'm on the brink of a New Year's resolution. Let it be resolved that I am a fool who can only find wisdom by letting the Bible contradict me. So be it for this new year and any more that the Lord may so graciously add to my number.


The Contemplator said...
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The Contemplator said...

Nice. I wonder how many people will made a resolution to admit their own foolishness?
