Friday, September 25, 2009

The Truth About Truth

Allow me to refine my position on objectivity and truth seeking: A person doesn't find the truth through objective detachment, but by loving and passionately seeking the truth whatever it may be. Because of our pride we assume that we already know the truth, and so we find what we set out to seek. We turn history, or whatever it is we are studying, into a mirror that reflects our worldview. A person who loves the truth also likes to learn the truth, which often means admitting he was wrong.


Andrew Waller said...

Playing devil's advocate, since we approach history with a Christian worldview, might we also be guilty of turning history into a mirror? (Of course, we have the ultimate source of truth at the foundations of our beliefs, but I'm not sure that necessarily precludes undue bias, even on the side of truth.)

Barber said...

Bueno Matteo! Good ruminations since the last post on these thoughts! We find what we want but also if we are honest and humble, we shall seek to find the cosmos as it is, after the fall. I love the way you have clarified, good thoughts brother!
