Saturday, September 5, 2009

Loving the Truth

We don't discover truth through objective detachment. We discover truth by loving the Truth.


Barber said...

Hi Matt, I miss you and the WCS koinonia!

Interesting thought. Isn't it true that we often just find what we think we are looking for instead of what is really there? I think much of moderity hides behind "objective science" and this rubric.

Didn't Augstine say:

"Stupidity glories in never yielding to the force of truth."
Augustine, City of God Book VI preface

And again regarding the way we read Scripture:

“If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself.”


Matt said...

I miss you and your koinonia too!

Yes, I think we often go looking for what we want to find. This means that we have to be very conscious of our cherished presuppositions and know how they influence our interpretations, so that we can check them as we go. The question isn't whether we have presuppositions or not, but whether we have the right ones. The ones that enable us to see things as they are; as God made them.

I love those quotes. Lord, save me from my stupidity. Do you know where the second one comes from? Yours, matt

Barber said...

Thanks Matt!

I don't know where exactly the second quote comes from. I have heard it a few different times, I think maybe once in Dr. Calhoun's history class, once on Ravi Zaccharias or somebody like that, and then also I found it on one of those 'Augustine Quotes' webpages.

Not sure of the primary source.....

I have a presupposition that it does exist however!