Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Is the Reformation to Blame for Secularism?


Matt said...
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Internet said...

One of the greatest strategies in war is to divide and conquer. Despite Luther being right in many ways, who can deny that Satan has certainly been at the wheel, especially during the last 50 years? Perhaps the global enveloping paganism, never witnessed on this scale, will force us back to the table at Regensburg to work together. To that end, it's encouraging that Ligonier is hosting its 2013 National Conference, "No Compromise: Standing for the Truth of God's Word."

Dr. Sproul rightly alludes to the cause of this paganism: The Sexual Revolution and its genesis-point, The Pill.

To my knowledge, this is a first for Ligonier since they usually don't stray too far from Reformation-era themes. But this conference is different as social conservatives witnessed at this month's National election/referendum for the Sexual Revolution.

If it weren't so Sandra Fluke -- Ms. Birth Control herself -- wouldn't be a leading candidate for Time's "Person of the Year" award.

May Christian leaders of all stripes, set aside age-old disputes, so there's a chance to bequeath religious freedom to the next generation. Otherwise the Pilgrims and Founding Fathers who gave their lives for religious freedom, died in vain.

As Dr. Sproul's latest book is aptly titled, Are We Together? A Protestant Analyzes Roman Catholicism, in this instance, the answer would be an emphatic, Yes!

Ultimately, is the Reformation really to blame for Secularism? Primarily to the extent that pastors (priests and bishops) have failed to proclaim from the pulpit as Luther put it so well:

"The purpose of marriage is not pleasure and ease but the procreation and education of children and the support of a family ... People who do not like children are swine, dunces, and blockheads, not worthy to be called men and women, because they despise the blessing of God, the Creator and Author of marriage" (Christian History, Issue 39, p. 24).