Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kurt Cameron's Mouth

As one who agrees with most of Lutheran theology, I simply adore this:


Nathan Keane said...

That is GREAT!

Anonymous said...

"As one who agrees with most of Lutheran theology"

Most? Aw, come on! It's all good ;)

Diana F.
A Lutheran who sometimes digs a little Reformed preaching

Anonymous said...


Too funny!

Is one a heathen if he:
(a) Makes a sign of the cross,
(b) Believes baptism saves (John 20:19-23),
(c) Thinks he's forgiven through his pastor (2 Corinthians 2:10),
(d) Recites the Nicene Creed (1 Timothy 3:16) and
(e) Acknowledges the Sacrament of the Eucharist (1 Corinthians 11:24)?

Remember, Luther didn't get it all wrong. :)



Anonymous said...

Hi Matt, this is funny. Plus: increased videos = increased comments! It's the video corollary, an observable fact of the internet. BTW, do you know a good website to find the "Stop Buying Stuff" Steve Martin skit?

While we are on the subject, one phrase that sometimes riles me up, that is not in the Bible either, (alluded to in the video) is "accept Jesus into your heart." Actually, Jesus isn't your "personal savior" either, I don't care what Depeche Mode says!

Oh, the 'turn and greet your neighbor' stuff is just horrendous. I don't care if you call it 'passing of the peace' or not. Paul always puts that at the END of his letters, not right in the middle!

Old man rant for the day: check!

Michael B

Matt said...

I love how Luther's theology has brought together three Presbyterians, a Lutheran, and a Roman Catholic. We have a lot in common that evangelicalism needs to return to. Let's be a blessing to each other and our brothers, who may confuse us with heathens sometimes. A former Biblicist, matt