Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How the Pioneers Felt

My wife found one of the funniest things I've heard in awhile on Facebook. It was the status of one of friends Ruth Akers.

My cable is out so I can't watch TV on the big screen and I'm forced to use my iPhone as a tether to watch Netflix on my iPad. 
Now I know how the pioneers felt. 
This strikes us as funny because we think we have it hard sometimes. But when we compare our place in history to any other place in history, we realize that we have comforts and capabilities that nobody could've imagined fifty years ago. I only pray that we will use them wisely, even when the cable goes out.


Anonymous said...

Hehehe! Horror story for hopefully added perspective: When I lived in Papua New Guinea we received a mail bag from the local grass covered airstrip once a week. It took nearly three months to write a letter to the USA and then to receive a reply...... We had a total of about 7 hours of electricity per day. (2 hrs. morning and 5 in evening) The nearest phone was apprx. 45 minutes away by foot, and didn't always work. The water supply would often shut off and we had to use buckets of rain water for inside house functions. The best news was received via short-wave radio and was timely. Our connections were with people right in front of us or in the house next door. Actually, there were some really pleasant things about all this.....

I was reminded of what my grandparents may have experienced before they had electricity and running water inside their domicile in the early 1940s in rural s.Illinois.

Hhhmm Matt, thanks for the provoking thoughts......

Michael B. in Austin T.

Anonymous said...

Matt, this was even funnier the second time I read it!

I was also thinking of something you said today, "time is not your enemy" as I read an article by Charles Hummel, "Tyranny of the Urgent." It was written in 1967 but is thought provoking, perhaps even more revelant today in our era of email, texting, iphones etc. (including ipads and Netflix!)

Hummel makes a distinction for the Christian as to what is important vs. urgent. It was only a five page article in PDF via a google search. I think there is much there to contemplate....

Peace, and uh, yay Packers!

Michael B