Sunday, October 10, 2010

What a God, What a Gift!

When the Greek men thought of an Almighty god, they created a lightening wielding, womanizer whose every seduction resulted in a pregnancy. Zeus fathered at least 100! God equals ultimate virility.

When the Hebrews received revelation from the one true God, he was "holy, holy, holy," and sex was his gift of one-flesh union to married couples. This loving union participated in the creative ability of God's own love. Out of the loving union of the Trinity, flowed creative acts that created people in his image ex nihilo. Out of the loving union of the married couple, flowed a creative act that produced children in the image of God. What a gift, what a God!!


Honest Abe said...

Matt---I enjoy your writings---you make me think---and that is good.

Matt said...

Thanks Honest Abe. I love to think.