Monday, October 26, 2009

If Hitchens Is Right

I've been listening to some interviews of Douglas Wilson and Christopher Hitchens concerning the release of their upcoming documentary Collision, which shows them debating whether Christianity is good for the world (click on the title of this post for more info). Hitchens is the global village atheist, and I wonder what would be true if Hitchens is right. I propose the following:

If Hitchens is right there will be no final justice.

If Hitchens is right no one will find out who won the debate.

If Hitchens is right there is no such thing as a debate.

If Hitchens is right there is no standard for distinguishing good and evil.

If Hitchens is right there is no basis for his condemnations of wickedness.

If Hitchens is right there is no such thing as being right.

If Hitchens is right why should anyone care about being wrong?

If Hitchens is right there is no such thing as "good for the world."

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