Saturday, November 1, 2008

Has Hitch Met His Match?

Doug Wilson (on the left) and Christopher Hitchens have done a debate book on the existence of God called Is Christianity Good For the World? It originally appeared in Christianity Today, and the part I read is quite good. This is because Wilson doesn't try to play on Hitchens' turf. Instead, he points out that Hitchens is playing on theistic turf when he assumes the distinction between good and evil.

They were doing some live debates in New York and Philadelphia this weekend and the whole thing was filmed for a documentary. According to Wilson, they got on swimmingly and Hitchens signed Wilson's personal copy "Well met." Perhaps they will get on like George Bernard Shaw and G. K. Chesterton and keep it up for years to come. I'm passionately praying for Hitch's conversion. Perhaps he may become a modern day Apostle Paul. The only other Christian that Hitch has debated and really respects is Dinesh D'Souza.

This should also be a good debate because Hitchens and Wilson are known for leading with their chins! Click on the title of this entry to see a preview.

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